Scholastic Achievement Scholarship Application

Scholastic Achievement Scholarship Application  (Please copy/paste and print this page)

Scholastic Achievement Scholarship is available to students that are graduating from high school and are citizens or permanent residents of United States.

  1. Applicant must be of Iranian descent. Provide supportive document. See FAQ for examples.
  2. Applicant must be graduating from high school and planning to be enrolled as a full time student in an accredited college.
  3. Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 is required. Please submit an official copy of your latest transcript. See FAQ if your school send the transcript directly.
  4. Submit a resume or list of your extracurricular activities, community leadership or volunteerism, membership in clubs or organizations and any other evidence of outstanding achievement.
  5. Submit a short narrative (less than 500 words) describing your goals and plans and what has motivated you to follow those goals and plans.
  6. You may also apply for Financial Assistance Scholarship by submitting a complete separate application and supporting documents.
  7. Please arrange and submit your documents in the order listed above.
  8. Deadline for receiving the application material is June 30th of each year. (Please allow enough time for the post office to deliver your application by no later than June 30th.)

Please mail (we do not accept email files) your complete application package to:

Momeni Foundation
1819 SW 5th Ave #168
Portland, OR 97201

Phone number: 503-941-6104